We offer our raw material products for research only, to responsible and mature customers, must be a minimum of 18 years old and be able to understand these terms, to purchase any of our products. By visiting our website and or sending us a request and or payment electronically or by phone, you agree to all our terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions:
Buy sending us an order request, and or payment you, the buyer, must read, understand, and agree that the products you are purchasing from us will not be used for human or animal consumption, both external and internal. You understand that the products found on, are to be used for research purposes only, and you may be asked to prove it. When buying, you understand and agree that our products are not dietary supplements or natural health products and are not intended, labeled or marketed to mitigate, treat, cure, or affect any illnesses, syndromes or health conditions. Our products are sold as raw materials for further research, herbal specimens are labeled as not for human consumption, have no health claims, no natural product number (NPN), and disclaimer: Raw materials are for research only, they are not to be used for food, drug, incense, aromatherapy, which includes topical use and inhalation. Ingestion and or inhalation can be be harmful and cause injury or lead to death.
We will not be held responsible for any damages caused by the misuse of any of our products. We reserve the right to request buyer for Government ID, and a statement relating to the nature of buyers research project. We reserve the right to terminate an account or sale if we suspect misuse of product or breach of these terms and conditions. Products will not be purchased for resale without licence from us. Thank you for your comprehension.
We do not ship products to regulated Countries, states, cities: Here are a few places we do not ship kratom to: Canada USAALABAMA, ARKANSAS, SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA, ILLINOIS, LOUISIANA, INDIANA, TENNESSEE, VERMONT, WISCONSIN.Some of the Countries we do not ship any products: Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, LEBANON, ISRAEL, IRAN, ESTONIA